I can READ!

Davis® Dyslexia Correction Program.
The most widely used dyslexia correction program in the world!

Celebrating the Gift, Understanding the Cause

We can HELP. You are NOT ALONE. We understand.

Celebrating the gift, understanding the cause.

Reading CAN be easy!

Reading Solution can help!

Celebrating the Gift, Understanding the Cause

We can help! Finally dyslexia true correction is available!

We can help!

Finally true correction is available!

A Revolutionary Dyslexia Correction Program

If you or your child has difficulty with reading, understanding what you have read, or focusing your attention, there is finally a true correction available!

At Reading Solution of Central Illinois, clients are provided one-on-one facilitation using methods that fit their individual learning style. The Davis® Program provides the tools and techniques to allow clients to celebrate their gifts by understanding the cause of their difficulties.

Do you want to understand the cause of your child’s confusions and have your child understand as well?
Are you seeing failure or little progress in the methods being used to help your child at this present time?
Are you open to exploring the newest ideas and solutions whose proof lies in the abilities seen in our clients by themselves and others?

YES? Then continue reading and call for a consultation.

Celebrating the gift, understanding the cause.

Dyslexia Explained

Extraordinary Minds: Dyslexia Explained

How children and adults with dyslexia think and feel — and how they can overcome learning problems and become capable readers.

Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

Albert Einstein

Most important of all, give your children the self-belief to hold onto their dreams, because they are the things that shape each person’s future.

Daniel Tammet

A quick word from Susan
about the program

If you have ever had a cell phone cutting out, you have experienced what happens when visual thinkers read and listen. Let me quickly explain how this can happen.  Davis Dyslexia Correction® techniques successfully give self- control of focus, stress, energy, including methods for reading accuracy, comprehension, and spelling. We respect our client’s visual gifts and use them to eliminate learning problems!

What is unique about the Davis® Dyslexia Correction Program?

If you or your child has difficulty with reading, understanding what you have read, or focusing your attention, there is finally a true correction available!

The most widely used correction program for dyslexia in the world, the economical Davis® Dyslexia Correction Program is being offered by Reading Solution of Central Illinois for the first time in Illinois south of Chicago.

It was created by a dyslexic...
…Ronald D. Davis, a dyslexic who is an artist and engineer. Who better to understand and discover the correction for dyslexia?
It allows dyslexics for the first time to understand themselves

Why they are special, how their unique gifts are valuable and should be celebrated and enhanced, and how those same gifts can prevent, as well as cause, each of their dyslexic symptoms. Confidence and self-esteem soar from this understanding.

It corrects the dyslexia by eliminating its cause.
It defines that cause in a way which clearly explains each of the many symptoms of dyslexia. Confusions from inaccurate seeing, listening, balance/movement, time sense, and attention are controlled and eliminated.
Its facilitators are highly trained...
…and must be licensed, requiring over 500 hours of training by specialists, in addition to numerous actual case study programs with dyslexics.

We believe that motivation to change must come from within, and so all the Davis techniques and strategies work by giving each client total respect, esteem-building ability, self-control, and responsibility over focus, attention, stress, and energy levels. Special strategies for accurate reading, comprehension, and recall are designed for their unique thinking style.

30-hour program over five consecutive days
Clients receive the necessary “tools” for correction during a 30-hour program over five consecutive days, eliminating the once or twice weekly trips over several years that have been required by many other methods. Family members are trained to support the client in the nine months to two years of essential, fun follow-up at home to complete the correction. Facilitators remain available for help and advice.

We believe that each person is unique, and we are guided by this in timing the length of each session and number of days.

The methods are fun!
Rather than repetitive drills on the client’s weaknesses, the clients play with their visual and imaginative gifts as they affect the correction themselves.
It works!
Our Dyslexia Correction Program has a 97% success rate after completing the home follow-up.
Learning CAN be easy…Reading Solution can help!

At Reading Solution of Central Illinois, clients are provided one-on-one facilitation using methods that fit their individual learning style. The Davis® Program provides the tools and techniques to allow clients to celebrate their gifts by understanding the cause of their difficulties.

“Working with clay makes learning SO much easier!”

Defining Dyslexia – Thinking with Pictures

What distinguishes dyslexics is their dyslexia style of thinking and learning – using mental pictures for thinking rather than the sound of words. Picture-thinkers simply think with a unique style which is often 400 to 2000 times faster and far more complete and complex than sound-thinkers. In fact, with their incredible problem-solving gifts and intuitive visions, it may be a dyslexic who will save our planet! They can succeed BECAUSE of their dyslexia, not in spite of it!

Dyslexia and Perception

Ron Davis overcame his obstacles and found the key to unlocking his own learning disability. He has since changed the lives of thousands of people in over 40 countries who, like him, believed in their own potential despite what others perceived.
Correcting Dyslexia the Davis® way

Controlling a picture thinker’s disorientation is the key to accurate reading. When disoriented, a picture thinker’s visual perception is distorted or wanders, hearing is inaccurately understood, the passage of time is distorted, and balance and movement are imperfect. With no more effort than creating a thought, Ronald Davis has found a method for all perceptions to become accurate! Our clients tell us it works! [references available upon request]

While many other programs address only the symptoms of dyslexia, using tedious drill and repetition in a futile attempt to have a picture-thinker give meaning to a word by “saying” its sound – the Davis method has found the cause and uses the picture-thinker’s strengths and gifts to eliminate the negative confusions while retaining the incredible abilities.

After one week, clients leave our program proud of their unique abilities, fully understanding how their incredible learning style works, and able to focus and control their perception while reading, listening, writing, and giving attention.

Albert Einstein

Famous Dyslexics

Clay model

The Program

Thinking style

Thinking Style

Susan Smarjesse

The Facilitator

Susan with Ron Davis

The Facilitator

Susan Smarjesse, founder and facilitator of Reading Solution of Central Illinois studied under founder, Ronald D. Davis. Ron stays close with all of his facilitators, often sitting and talking for hours!

Photos: Susan with Ron Davis during a recent seminar on Motivation and Responsibility and with two of her students.

Susan hopes you will contact her for more information.